Many people suffer from dry skin. Dryness often leads to flaky and rough skin. In worse cases, skin dryness may lead to skin conditions such as eczema or psoriasis. How to avoid dryness and get healthy and smooth skin? Here is everything you need to know.

How to prevent dry skin?
Everyone knows this saying: “better safe than sorry” it also applies to skincare! There are many tips to prevent dry skin before it occurs. First, always use skincare products adapted for each body part as dryness and sensitivity dramatically differ from one body part to another.
The foot tends to be the driest part of the body because the skin is thicker. Foot creams are rich and contain emollients to seal in moisture. Hands are often dehydrated too, despite the skin being much thinner. Hand dryness is due to their constant exposure to elements (such as cold or heat), irritants (dish soaps or bleach), and that they are frequently washed. Hand cream must be rich and contain ingredients acting as a shield to protect the hands from aggressions.
However, even if your feet or hands cream is doing wonders, never use then on your face. They would clog pores and cause breakouts. Some skincare products can be great on your hands but cause allergic reactions on your face because the skin is much thinner and more sensitive.
Here are the skincare you need for each body part:
- Face
The face has the most fragile and tender skin in your body. Every skincare product you put on it must be formulated on tested for facial use. Pay attention to your skin type and pick appropriate skincare products. You can visit our full guide about skin types to determine your own.
Regardless of your skin type, remember to always to gentle with your skin and handle it with care. Avoid harsh products or techniques that will irritate it and cause dryness. In addition, sun protection is a must for every skin type as UV rays can cause a variety of skin problems ranging from dryness and sunburns to skin cancer. You can use a day cream containing an SPF or use sunscreen in addition to your favorite day skincare products.
- Hands
Skin dryness on hands is very common because they are constantly in contact with everything we use and we wash them all the time. Water and soap remove the natural oils that keep our skin moisturized. Hand cream is a must to restore this protective barrier and keep them healthy and soft. Go for one containing an emollient such as shea butter to seal in moisture into the skin. Wearing gloves when washing dishes or using harsh chemicals such as bleach can help to keep our hands healthy. Go for baby washing oil rather than foaming scented soap to wash your hand daily and avoid using alcohol gel daily.
- Feet
Feet tend to be rougher because the skin is thicker, so go for a rich feet cream with emollients and ceramides. For feet as smooth as a baby’s, you can use scrubs and chemical peels to help dead skin to shed. Avoid using those products too often as they can be drying.
- The rest of the body
For the rest of your body, go for a body butter or a body moisturizing lotion depending on how dry is your skin and your personal preference. Body butter tends to be thicker and richer than body lotion. Shea butter-based products are very suitable options for dry to very dry skin as this ingredient locks in moisture. Use your body moisturizer every day, ideally after a bath or shower.