- By Calypso Cavallo
- September 18, 2022
- Self care
Fall can be a harsh season for many people. The lack of sunlight is to blame! The days are getting shorter and shorter, and we spend most of our time indoors, at school, or in the office getting less sunlight, which has consequences on our mind and body!
Today, Calypso Cavallo gives you her best fall self-care tips to enjoy this vibrant season.
Best fall self-care tips!
Even with a busy work or school schedule, you can manage to get some quality time off. Turning a lazy, rainy Sunday into a relaxing, luxurious self-care day does not take much!
Here are a few ideas!
Cook fall food!
Eating healthy is a must to feel good! The end of the summer is not an excuse not to eat your veggies. There are plenty of healthy and yummy fall recipes. Fall is the season of mushrooms, pumpkin, carrots… Warm up with delicious soups, homemade ramen, or udon noodles (not the one from the styrofoam cup!). Browse Instagram or Pinterest for ideas.
If you can, try grocery shopping at a local farmer’s market to get fresh products directly from producers. Many farms also hold sales once or twice a week; it is a great way to get extra fresh ingredients while getting a nice little trip to the countryside.
Cooking is good for your body and soul! It is a great way to practice fall self-care.
With a larger budget: if you can afford to take things to the next level, try attending a cooking class alone or with a friend!
Fall beauty rituals!
If you have acne-prone skin, you most likely noticed breakouts at the end of the summer when you went back to school or work. Why? Sunlight often temporarily solves acne. Unfortunately, the pimples are back in force when we stop exposing our skin to the sun.
To counter it, we better take extra care of our skin. Washing our faces twice a day and applying a mask once or twice a week are efficient ways to keep breakouts under control.
Stress also triggers acne breakout, so better take the time to relax. Cuddling in comfy clothes with a fluffy blankett in front of a Halloween movie with hot chocolate is a way among others!
With the weather becoming chillier, it is the best moment of the year to take warm baths. You can spice things up with bath salts or a bath bomb. Light candles and tame lights for a relaxing setup!
If you have dry skin, the Mercure drop may cause you more irritation and skin tightness. Ensure to keep your skin moisturized with appropriate skincare products.
Drink tea!
Drinking water is a must, even if it is not hot anymore. Tea is an excellent option for fall (and winter) as it helps to keep you warm. Make tea your fall self-care ally!
There are plenty of teas and herbal infusions with fruits, spices, or flowers. Explore your city to find a cute little coffee shop or tea lounge with a lovely tea selection. It is a great place to meet up with friends or work.
If you are sipping tea all day, which is excellent for your skin, ensure not to add sugar and to drink the kind of tea that is appropriate for the moment of the day. Never drink black tea before bed as theine has the same stimulant properties as caffeine, and it will prevent you from sleeping.
You can drink as much infusion (theine-free tea) as you please, but ensure not to drink too much tea as the excess of theine or caffeine can be harmful.
To learn more about the best tea for each moment of the day: https://theteahaus.com/teajournal/blog/a-daily-tea-schedule-the-best-teas-tisanes-for-morning-noon-and-night/